
Models are classes whose instances persist in a MongoDB database. Other than the special validator fields, Models are just regular python classes. You can have whatever non-validator attributes and methods you want. Along with simple persistence, Model subclasses also provide methods for finding, removing and updating instances using almost the same API as pymongo.

class morbo.model.Model(**kwargs)

A class with persistent instances:

class Swallow(Model):
    is_laden = Bool()
    speed = TypeOf(float)
    direction = Enum('N', 'E', 'S', 'W')
s = Swallow(is_laden=True, speed=23.7, direction='E')
repr(s._id) # ObjectId('4e7be644d761504a98000000')
classmethod count()

Get a count of the total number of instances of this model.

classmethod find(spec=None, *args, **kwargs)

Find instances of this model. This method is exactly the same as pymongo.Collection.find() except that the returned cursor returns instances of this model instead of dicts:

class Swallow(Model):

s = Swallow(is_laden=True, speed=23.7, direction='E')

Swallow.find({'direction':'E'}).next() # <Swallow 4e7bea8fd761504ae3000000>
classmethod find_one(spec_or_id=None, *args, **kwargs)

Just like pymongo.Collection.find_one() but returns an instance of this model.

classmethod get_collection()

Get a pymongo.Collection instance for the collection that backs instances of this model:

class Swallow(Model):

Swallow.get_collection() # Collection(Database(Connection('localhost', 27017), u'morbotests'), u'test')
classmethod remove(spec=None)

Works just like pymongo.Collection.remove(). Note that this is different than the model instance method remove() which removes just that single instance.


Save this instance to the database. Validation is performed first.


Run validation on all validated fields.


Called after the model is saved for the first time.


Called each time the model is saved after the first save.